Convert Your Gas Grill to a Charcoal Grill Instantly
Looking to convert your gas grill to a charcoal grill? The FlavrQ Grilling System gives you charcoal-grilled flavor with your gas grill. Discover how to convert a gas grill to charcoal, and get back the flavor you gave up!
Charcoal-Grilled Flavor Meets Gas Grill Convenience
FlavrQ is a breeze to set up and use. There are two parts to the system: the FlavrQ Grid and our patented Charcoal Chips™. The Grid fits most gas grills and installs in seconds with no tools at all. Once it’s in place, add the FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™, and you’re good to go!
Why FlavrQ
Gas grills are convenient, but they sacrifice flavor. We saw how many people wanted to convert a gas grill to charcoal, so we decided to invent a game-changing solution. FlavrQ burns hotter, naturally improving your food’s taste, texture, juiciness, and appearance. Taste the difference!

Proprietary Grilling System
Our unique grill accessories are exclusive to the FlavrQ brand. We forever revolutionized backyard BBQs with the FlavrQ Grid and Charcoal Chips™. Welcome to the future of gas grilling!

Fits Most Gas Grills
The FlavrQ system is compatible with the vast majority of gas grills—new and old. Bigger grills can hold more grids. Measure your grill before ordering.

Easy Setup & Cleanup
Converting your gas grill to charcoal is a breeze with FlavrQ—no tools or expertise required. Enjoy hassle-free installation and easy cleanup without the mess or stress.

Authentic Wood Flavor
Savor classic charcoal grilled flavor with every bite. With our unique grill accessories, you get the rich, robust taste of charcoal grilling with your trusty gas grill.

High-Quality Stainless Steel Grid
Crafted from stainless steel, the FlavrQ Grid is backed by a 6-month limited warranty. It provides even radiant heat and maximum air flow for fast lighting of the Charcoal Chips™.

All-Natural and Chemical-Free
FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™ are made from 100% all-natural Canadian sugar maple wood. Convert your gas grill to charcoal without any pesticides or chemicals—just the good stuff.

Juicier Grilled Foods
Charcoal Chips™ hit temperatures over 100° higher, searing and sealing food 50% faster than gas grills. Locked-in moisture makes for juicier food with better color and texture.

Environmentally Friendly Product
Our Charcoal Chips™ burn cleaner to reduce pollution and improve air quality. We only use sustainable, rainforest-friendly, FSC-certified wood to make our 100% natural virgin hardwood charcoal.
How It Works
Converting your gas grill to a charcoal grill couldn’t be easier. No need to modify your gas grill—just add the FlavrQ Grid and Charcoal Chips™, and you’re ready to grill like the pros!

1- Remove your gas grill’s grate from the location where you’ll put the FlavrQ Grid.

2- Place the FlavrQ Grid on top of the radiant bars, ideally with the ridges running parallel.

3- Replace the grate back in its original position over the FlavrQ Grid.

4- Spoon FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™ between the grates and onto the Grid 1/2”-3/4“ high.

5- Light the grill on high. When the chips glow hot minutes later, you’re ready to grill!

6- Grill your food with FlavrQ. Enjoy the juiciest and tastiest home-cooked meal!
Taste the Difference
Once you know how to convert your gas grill to a charcoal grill with FlavrQ, you’ll be hooked by the first bite! Not only do you get that elusive wood-grilled flavor, but the higher, cleaner heat really lets you nail the perfect sear for the juiciest, most succulent grilled foods that melt in your mouth.
How often do I need to clean the FlavrQ Grid?
Compared to traditional charcoal, our Charcoal Chips™ reduce residual ash by 90%. You shouldn’t need to clean it very often—just do a quick visual inspection to make sure it’s clear. Be sure your grill is completely cool before removing the FlavrQ Grid for cleaning.
Can I use the FlavrQ Grid with any charcoal?
No, the FlavrQ Grid can only be used with the FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™. Using charcoal, wood chips, wood pellets, or any other non-FlavrQ product could damage the Grid and will void your warranty. Additionally, it’s important that you understand how to convert a gas grill to charcoal correctly because using the wrong fuel could damage your grill.
What’s the FlavrQ Grid’s warranty?
Our grill accessories boast outstanding quality. We include a 6-month limited warranty with the FlavrQ Grid for your peace of mind.
Is the FlavrQ Grilling System compatible with electric grills?
No, FlavrQ products are made for gas grills only. Using them with an electric, butane, tabletop, ceramic, or lava rock grill is dangerous and should never be attempted.
What do I need to get started with FlavrQ?
We recommend that first-time users get the FlavrQ Starter Kit! It comes with one FlavrQ Grid and one 3-lb bag of Charcoal Chips™. That’s all you need to convert your gas grill to a charcoal grill!
How do I refuel if I want to keep grilling after the chips are burnt?
Uninterrupted refueling is a huge benefit of the FlavrQ Grilling System. If you need to refuel, simply spoon more of our Charcoal Chips™ between the grill’s grates and onto the FlavrQ Grid.
Do I need to change my grilling style when using the FlavrQ system?
The FlavrQ Grilling System is very intuitive, so you should have no problem adjusting to it. Just remember that it burns hotter than gas grills, so keep an eye on your food as you get used to your grill’s improved performance.
After learning how to convert your gas grill to a charcoal grill and then experiencing the difference first-hand, you’ll never want to grill any other way!
How do I know when it’s time to put the food on?
FlavrQ offers simple cues that it’s grill time. When the edges of the mound of Charcoal Chips™ begin to glow red and produce a significant amount of heat, start grilling. You don’t need to wait until the coals are gray as you do with conventional lump charcoal or briquettes.
How do I store FlavrQ products?
Charcoal Chips™ should be stored in the driest area possible, away from moisture and humidity, to reduce the chance of sparking. After you convert your gas grill to charcoal with the FlavrQ Grid, we recommend leaving it in place so it’s always ready for the next session.
Are FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™ efficient?
Absolutely! We take pride in offering grill accessories that improve your grilling experience in every way. FlavrQ is the best grill accessories kit for anyone looking to save both money and space.
Our Charcoal Chips™ use approximately 75% less fuel than traditional charcoal and take up less than 1/10 of the space. Just one pound of FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™ is equal to approximately four pounds of charcoal briquettes.
How can I make my FlavrQ Charcoal Chips™ last even longer?
Only use what you need, portion-controlled. After you’ve learned how to convert your gas grill to charcoal and finished the easy installation, place our Charcoal Chips™ on the FlavrQ Grid in the location directly under where you’ll be grilling food.
Try to match the spread to the shape and size of the food. Most users find that a depth of ½”-¾” is the sweet spot when using our grill accessories, but you may want to experiment to find the depth that works best with your grill and grilling style.